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Muni Transit Recovery and Measuring the Transportation Recovery Plan’s Progress

Muni Transit Recovery and Measuring the Transportation Recovery Plan’s Progress
By Emily Stefiuk

As the economy takes further steps to reopen this month, the SFMTA remains committed to transparency. Today, we are releasing our Muni: Transit Recovery (Recuperación de Muni Transit, 恢復公交服務, and Pagbawi ng Muni Transit) report along with new data dashboards that help us evaluate the SFMTA’s overall response during COVID-19. Taken together, these reports give a window into what we are doing and how we plan to move forward.

Muni: Transit Recovery Report (Recuperación de Muni Transit, 恢復公交服務, and Pagbawi ng Muni Transit)

This report explains how we are adapting to meet San Francisco’s changing transportation needs and what our customers and the public can expect from Muni. It also reminds our customers of both what they need to do to ride Muni and what we’re doing to minimize the risk of transmission while getting essential workers where they need to go. 

Examples include:

  • What we are doing to minimize transmission risk for our staff, especially operators and other frontline workers
  • How we’ve stepped up sanitizing our vehicles
  • How we’re providing service with the agency’s COVID-driven budget crisis
  • How we are delivering service to people who need it the most
  • What we are doing to be transparent, share data and conduct outreach to the public

Our Muni Transit Recovery (Recuperación de Muni Transit, 恢復公交服務, and Pagbawi ng Muni Transit) report represents key customer-facing initiatives associated with our Transportation Recovery Plan (TRP).  The TRP is guided by the following goals: 

  • Protect the health and safety of SFMTA employees and the public.
  • Support a strong economic recovery
  • Promote sustainable alternatives such as walking and bicycling.
  • Advance the SFMTA’s equity, environmental sustainability and customer service goals;
  • Adapt transportation infrastructure and services to best serve San Francisco in the long term.

Transportation Recovery Plan Dashboards: See the Data Driving Recovery

We have designed an evaluation framework for the TRP that is nimble and representative of the recovery goals above. Today we’ve published our TRP Evaluation Dashboards so that you can track our progress.

These dashboards provide a holistic view across the programs within the TRP so anyone can track our progress toward our goals. Our evaluation framework identifies high-level objectives aligned with the goals of the TRP and trackable metrics. These allow us to monitor progress on the TRP’s most prominent strategies including COVID-19 Muni Core Service, Temporary Emergency Transit Lanes, Slow Streets, and the multiagency Shared Spaces program.

SFMTA relies upon pre-pandemic data and along with data made available by the implementation of our recovery solutions and programs to make strategic decisions and address trade-offs. Individual dashboards will be updated either weekly or monthly, based on data availability. Additionally, as our recovery efforts are ongoing, additional data will be made available as we refine and expand our evaluation efforts.

We are working hard to meet San Franciscans' changing transportation needs during this pandemic. New programs and initiatives require that the public trust us as we act quickly to try new approaches and work to refine and improve our efforts. Publishing this data helps members of the public see much of the same data that we use to make our decisions.

Published September 16, 2020 at 03:47AM

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